Monday, April 14, 2008

yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead

So, yesterday, i preached. Today i am resting and catching up. tomorrow i travel, and wednesday through sunday i preach again.

That has been my life.

But, God is great.

I came across a passage that spoke some amazing truth to me.
in the book of luke, after the parable of the sower. there is a passage, that says "to those who have, more will be given, to those who don't have, even what they have will be taken away."

this passage has always struck me as strange, until i caught a little bit of the previous sentence that always had been something read over but never sunk in. 

"consider carefully how you listen"



good stuff.

If we don't actively seek to understand God's word, to "have" we will not be given more understanding, and if we don't listen carefully, even the little understanding that we do have will be taken from us!

Consider carefully how you listen.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Brother.

I am inspired by your thoughts and the story God is telling through you. keep writing. I am down for some chai tea as soon as you are back. I love ya brother.
