Tuesday, April 1, 2008

God is green:

So, despite being sick, i've been pretty busy for the past few weeks.
I went to a town right on the border with kenya, in another district called
"Bukwo" and the town which bears the same name. I did some leadership training
whilst there. I also had the privelage of sharing the resurrection sunday message
with the people. We have also started working on a christian environmental awareness
message, to the community, the church, and the country, starting in Bukwo. Praise God.

In the rain, in the calm, he is there. 
Amidst trouble and tyranny he is there.
the belief that strength made perfect,
perfected in weakness. If that is true,
how strong are the poor? the oppressed?
The orphan, the widow. That is where we 
should go to learn about true strength,
the humility to rely on the help and 
goodwill of others. To rely only on God,
not trusting in man. To know that when
they look up to the mountains in their live
their help is coming, their God will not
forsake them. He hears the cries of the widow,
the cry of the orphan, the cry for help.

The Lord builds the house,it will stand the storms of life
the promise of trouble is oh so true. We know the suffering,
Our eyes are open to the terrors of evil in this world. 
The grip is weakening,

A day is coming, a day of glory, when everyone will run to the mountain of 
the Lord. They will cast aside all of the things that the clung to, the treasures
in this life that they had to have, that they sacrificed to, the idols they carry with
them every day, casting them aside onto the ground, trampled by the people
Going to the mountain of God. They burdens we carry will only make it hard
for us to run to the mountain.

The day is coming where the sword will be beaten into a plowshare, the spear 
into a pruning hook, and never again will they learn war. Instead there will 
teaching of peace, of a new kingdom that is founded on the blood of the lamb,
in the peace of His Love.

Don't feel forsaken, don't feel that the lord is far away, know that, as switchfoot says
"the shadow proves the sunshine"

if we see war all around us, we can rejoice knowing a day of peace will come,
if we see destruction around us, we can know that God will redeem creation,
if death, hope for Christ, if hate, hope for love. The shadow will pass away
and we will be left staring into the pure light and knowing that the pure light
is within us.

My hope is in the future, in the sunrise.

one last thought,

And you, Child, will be called the prophet of the 
Most High; For you will go on before the Lord to 
prepare His ways;to give to his people the knowledge 
of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins,
Because of the tender mercy of our God,

To guide our feet into the way of peace.

Christ came to guide our feet into the way of peace.
Praise HIM!

And at last, morning comes. For a life lived in darkness, the first true glimpse of
the sun is breath-taking. It stings the eyes, it burns the skin, it washes away
all the inky darkness. After seeing it, you would never want to look back into the 
quagmire that you dwelt in for so long. Glorious, painful,
but tender sunrise. Sunrise that brings life to creation. 
the trees awaken to praise,
the birds sing its glory. 

All you can do is stand in awe of the coming day.
Letting true light wash over.

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